
国際経営コース TOP




Information Management for Decision Making



Information Management for Decision Making

単位 2


The objective of this course is to enable the student to become an intelligent user of management science techniques, not experts in statistics or computer software. The course explains: 1: the fundamental qualitative and quantitative concepts that underlie business decision making. Not just a way of calculating, but as a way of thinking, in order to enhance decision-making skills. 2. how to make informed business decision using various Management Science techniques. 3. the mathematical/statistical aspects of the techniques. The focus is on usage of the methods and interpretation of their results. 4. by detailed examples and case studies, how basic tools for managing the data and for making sense of data, are used in making business decisions. 5. The IT infrastructure, architecture and other aspects of Information Management that is required for Decision Making. Introductory probability, decision analysis, basic statistics, regression, simulation, and linear optimization will be reviewed. Spreadsheet exercises, cases, and examples drawn from marketing, finance, operations management, and other management functions are used to illustrate the topics. MS Excel will be the primary tool to solve decision-making problems and to build small-scale decision support systems.